revolutionary guard love

revolutionary guard


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  • I think if you had seen the whole interview and the time we were on that particular Dow (ph) in Iraqi waters, that Dow had been boarded several weeks previously by the revolutionary guard, which is quite typical, especially in the area near the buffer zone between the two Iraqi and Iranian waters.

    CNN Transcript Apr 6, 2007 2007

  • Who is the revolutionary guard, when the system reaches a certain point of rot?

    Anis Shivani: Is the Opposite of Capitalism Democracy? A Review of Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story 2009

  • But the more fundamental reason is that Iran has two governments, the elected government with President Ahmadenijad at its helm and its various ministers and the more powerful political backbone, the unelected government with the supreme leader and the revolutionary guard.

    CNN Transcript Jul 29, 2007 2007

  • But the more fundamental reason is that Iran has two governments, the elected government with President Ahmadenijad at its helm and its various ministers and the more powerful political backbone, the unelected government with the supreme leader and the revolutionary guard.

    CNN Transcript Jul 28, 2007 2007

  • The marines and two small boarding boats were taken into Iranian territory by members of the revolutionary guard.

    CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2007 2007

  • CLANCY: Striking out against Iran and the revolutionary guard.

    CNN Transcript Aug 15, 2007 2007

  • Now, we trusted Iran in 2003, when Zalmay Khalilzad met with the Iranian ambassador, and the revolutionary guard didn't keep the word.

    CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2006 2006

  • You will be perfectly safe there, as the house is not under suspicion at present, and even if the revolutionary guard, under some meddle-some sergeant or other, chooses to pay it a surprise visit, your hiding-place will be perfectly secure.

    The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel Emmuska Orczy Orczy 1906

  • Wendell Goler joins us from the White House -- "" Secretary Clinton says Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship controlled by the revolutionary guard. - Articles related to Clinton: `Steel vise' crushing global activists 2010

  • Wendell Goler joins us from the White House -- "" Secretary Clinton says Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship controlled by the revolutionary guard. - Articles related to Clinton: `Steel vise' crushing global activists 2010


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